CPR Training Week: Improve Emergency Preparedness with CPR & AED Training Models - American Hospital Supply

CPR Training Week: Improve Emergency Preparedness with CPR & AED Training Models

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CPR Training Week: Improve Emergency Preparedness with CPR & AED Training Models

American Heart Association (AHA) designates sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) as a major national public health problem. Sudden cardiac arrest is a leading cause of death in the United States, with more than 350,000 out-of-hospital cases occurring annually, according to SCA Foundation. This highlights the critical need for improved awareness, access to emergency care, and widespread training in CPR and the use of automated external defibrillators (AEDs) to save lives in the event of cardiac arrest.

CPR Training Week, June 1 to June 7, is an annual national event organized by the American Heart Association to promote CPR education and training. The week aims to raise awareness about the importance of CPR knowledge. It encourages individuals to learn or refresh their CPR skills. Throughout the week, various organizations, including the American Red Cross, local fire departments, hospitals, and community colleges, often offer free or discounted CPR training sessions, workshops, and demonstrations.

American Hospital Supply (AHS) also offers discounts on a wide range of CPR and AED products for hospital and home use throughout June to celebrate this initiative.

National CPR & AED Awareness Week (June 1-7)

National CPR & AED Awareness Week provides an excellent opportunity to educate yourself about preventing sudden cardiac arrest and understanding the steps you can take to help someone in need. This week-long observance highlights the critical role that CPR and AED knowledge play in saving lives, emphasizing the potential impact on out-of-hospital cardiac arrest survival rates.

It is important to note that around 70 percent of out-of-hospital cardiac arrests happen in residential areas. This highlights the critical need to train people to respond effectively in such situations. Knowing how to administer CPR in an emergency could make a lifesaving difference, especially if it involves a loved one.

By learning CPR and AED techniques, individuals can prepare to be the first responders for their family, friends, or even strangers in need.

Importance of CPR AED Training Supplies

Studies show that the availability of AEDs and training supplies in public and educational settings increases the community's ability to respond to emergencies, thus promoting a culture of preparedness and immediate response that can save lives.

CPR, also known as Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation training, is essential for healthcare professionals and the general public. It teaches people how to respond effectively to heart emergencies. High-quality CPR training supplies, like manikins, AED trainers, and training masks, are crucial for providing realistic training experiences that closely resemble real-life situations. These supplies make sure people get the best CPR training possible. 

CPR Training Supplies

CPR training supplies are crucial in improving response to sudden cardiac arrest by providing a safe and realistic environment to learn and practice lifesaving techniques.

CPR Training Dummies and Manikins:

CPR training dummies and manikins are designed to replicate the human body, allowing trainees to practice chest compressions and rescue breaths on a lifelike surface. These CPR training manikins often include features that offer feedback on compression depth and rate, helping to ensure the acquisition of proper technique. However, the real value lies in the hands-on experience gained from practicing on a mannequin, which is instrumental in building muscle memory and confidence for effectively performing CPR in real-life emergency situations.

According to this study, using feedback devices during CPR training can significantly improve skill acquisition and retention. Realistic feedback mechanisms help learners understand if they perform compressions and ventilations correctly, ensuring they develop proficient CPR skills.

For example, Brayden CPR Manikin is an affordable CPR training model for clinicians, nurses, and medical students. Brayden manikins have features that mimic a real human body, including a realistic chest that rises and falls with compressions, a head that tilts, a chin that lifts to open the airway, and anatomically accurate landmarks for proper hand placement. They use disposable lungs and a ventilation system that vents exhaled air away from the trainee, reducing the risk of cross-contamination during CPR practice sessions. While the static version doesn't offer feedback on compression depth or rate like some other Brayden models, it can still be a valuable tool for practicing proper technique.

Some CPR training manikins also come with AED Pads. This type of trainer is more advanced and allows for practicing CPR alongside Automated External Defibrillator (AED) use. For example, the Smart CPR Training Model from BT Inc. enables students to learn the full protocol for handling a cardiac arrest scenario, including administering CPR and using an AED.

AHS also has advanced professional manikins with CPR feedback and CPR training models from Prestan and Nasco Healthcare.

AED Trainers: 

AED Trainers replicate the look and feel of an Automated External Defibrillator (AED), allowing trainees to practice using one in a safe environment. They often have voice prompts and visual indicators that mimic real AEDs, familiarizing users with the process and reducing hesitation during an emergency. One key difference between a real and a training model is that the latter doesn't deliver a shock. They have the same buttons, lights, and voice prompts as an actual AED. This familiarity reduces panic and confusion during a real emergency. Many AED trainers have buttons or remotes that instructors can use to simulate different situations, like adult or child cardiac arrest. This allows trainees to practice using the AED in various scenarios.

Most AED brands like Cardiac Science, Philips, Physio-Control, and Zoll provide a training model mimicking the functionality and appearance of an original AED. For instance, the Powerheart AED G5 Trainer looks like the G5 and is perfect for lifelike training scenarios. It's a non-shockable device designed for training, replicating actual rescue dynamics to ensure trainee safety. For general AED training many CPR trainers rely on brand agnostic trainers such as the PRESTAN AED Trainer Plus or WNL AED Trainer.

Similarly, The ZOLL AED 3 Trainer with CPR Uni-padz closely resembles the actual ZOLL AED 3 defibrillator and comes with CPR Uni-padz that offers real-time, guided feedback on the depth and rate of CPR compressions. The instructions are clear and easy to follow, making it easier for learners to perform CPR effectively and improve outcomes in real-life situations.

Training pads are necessary to connect the AED trainer to the CPR manikin and simulate defibrillation. These pads are designed to work with the specific AED trainer model and provide realistic feedback, such as simulated heart rhythms and instructions for shock delivery.

CPR Training Masks:

During practice sessions, they provide a barrier between the rescuer and the training dummy. This helps maintain hygiene while allowing trainees to practice rescue breaths more realistically. 

Affordable CPR masks like WNL Products CPR Masks for Adults and Infants can be used for training as well as for emergency use. These masks can be a helpful tool for bystanders with no CPR training to provide basic airway protection during CPR on an adult or infant. It can be a helpful addition to a first-aid kit.

The CPR mask has a one-way valve to prevent the backflow of air and contaminants, ensuring caregiver safety. It is made of medical-grade materials and comes in a compact, lightweight carrying case with a clip for easy access. It can be used in various settings and is easy to clean, but the valve should be replaced after each use.

Even with a mask, proper CPR training is crucial for resuscitation. Masks are meant to be a supplementary tool, not a replacement for CPR knowledge and skills.


CPR Training Week is a crucial initiative highlighting the importance of preparedness to respond to an emergency. By participating in CPR training during the week, individuals can gain the knowledge and skills necessary to potentially save a life. 

According to the American Heart Association, effective bystander CPR, provided immediately after sudden cardiac arrest, can double or triple a victim's chance of survival. Furthermore, research has shown that CPR training can increase an individual's confidence and willingness to intervene in an emergency. 

American Hospital Supply offers a broad selection of CPR training supplies, including various AED trainers and CPR masks for different age groups. For more information on CPR and AED training models, visit this page: https://american-hospitalsupply.com/collections/cpr-training-supplies.


This blog is intended solely for educational purposes. Any information related to medical supplies and personal healthcare should be considered general information, not professional medical advice. American Hospital Supply recommends consulting your doctor regarding any medical treatments or therapies referenced. American Hospital Supply does not make representations or warranties regarding the information relating to products or healthcare decisions referenced within this blog.

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