School Nurse Supply Essentials - American Hospital Supply

School Nurse Supply Essentials

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School nurses are the guardians of student well-being, juggling everything from playground scrapes to managing chronic conditions. They are the comforting presence when a little one needs a band-aid and the calm voice of reason during a health crisis. But even the most experienced school nurse can't do their job without the right tools. A well-stocked supply room is essential for handling any situation that might arise, from everyday sniffles to unexpected emergencies.

Read on to discover the essential supplies every school nurse (and parent!) should have to keep kids healthy and safe.

Building a Well-Equipped School First Aid Kit

Just like families need a well-stocked first aid kit at home, schools require an even more comprehensive kit to address the diverse needs of their student population. The American Red Cross provides a helpful starting point.

Here's a breakdown of essential supplies for a well-equipped school first aid kit, building upon the Red Cross recommendations:

Medical Supplies for Schools (First Aid Kit Essential)


Bandages (Assorted Sizes and Types):

Adhesive bandages (at least 50 in various sizes), gauze bandages, knuckle bandages, and butterfly closures are essential for covering a range of wounds.


Antiseptic Wipes:

These are crucial for cleaning minor cuts and scrapes to prevent infection. Look for wipes containing benzalkonium chloride or povidone-iodine.


Gauze Pads and Rolls:

Medical-grade tape is needed to secure bandages and dressings.

Gloves (multiple pairs):

Disposable gloves are necessary to protect yourself and the injured person from contamination.


Antibiotic Ointment Packets:

Include a few packets for applying to minor cuts and scrapes.


Hydrocortisone Ointment Packets:

These can help with itchy rashes and skin irritation.


Additional First Aid Supplies:

  • Scissors: Necessary for cutting tape, gauze, or clothing if needed.
  • Thermometer (Non-Mercury/Non-Glass): A digital thermometer is essential for checking for fever.
  • Instant Cold Compress: These can reduce swelling and pain from bumps and bruises.
  • Triangular Bandages: These can be used as slings or to secure dressings.
  • First Aid Manual or Quick Reference Guide: A handy resource for refreshing skills and providing step-by-step instructions.

Beyond these basics, consider adding CPR masks, eye wash stations, and splints, depending on your school's specific needs.

The Essential Role of First Aid Kits in Schools

  • Immediate Care: Accidents and minor injuries are a common occurrence in schools. A well-equipped first aid kit allows immediate treatment of cuts, scrapes, burns, and other minor injuries, minimizing discomfort and preventing complications.
  • Reduced Risk of Infection: Prompt cleaning and dressing of wounds significantly reduce the risk of infection, which can lead to more severe health issues.
  • Managing Allergic Reactions: Many students have allergies, and a first aid kit stocked with antihistamines can provide crucial relief until further medical attention can be sought.
  • Addressing Minor Illnesses: Simple remedies like pain relievers and fever reducers can help students manage discomfort and stay in school, reducing disruptions to their learning.

Choking Preparedness: A Lifesaving Priority

Choking is a leading cause of unintentional injury and death among children, particularly those under the age of five. The risk of choking is higher during mealtimes and activities involving small objects. Being prepared for a choking emergency is essential. The key to managing choking incidents is quick action. A child's airway can become blocked within seconds, so having the right tools and knowledge is crucial.

Anti-choking devices such as LifeVac School Kits can be lifesavers. The LifeVac creates a one-way suction to dislodge objects from a blocked airway. They are easy to use, even in stressful situations, and are designed to be safe for children and adults. Consider having LifeVac kits readily available in your school cafeteria and other high-risk areas.

Displaying posters on choking prevention can raise awareness and provide a visual reminder of the steps to take in an emergency. Schools can reduce choking incidents by understanding risks, having the right tools, and ensuring staff are adequately trained to act quickly in emergencies.

AEDs: Should Schools Have Defibrillators?

Defibrillators in schools improve the chances of survival for students, teachers, and visitors in the event of a sudden cardiac arrest. Studies have shown that prompt access to defibrillators can make a critical difference in saving lives during emergencies at educational institutions. Many state governments now require high schools to place a functional AED

  • Increased Survival Rates: The most significant benefit of having AEDs in schools is their ability to increase survival rates for sudden cardiac arrest dramatically. The chances of survival decrease by 7 to 10% for every minute that passes without defibrillation. With AEDs readily available, bystanders can provide immediate intervention, significantly improving the odds of survival.
  • Easy to Use: AEDs are designed to be user-friendly, even for those with no medical training. They provide clear voice prompts and visual instructions, guiding the user through delivering a lifesaving shock.
  • Versatility: AEDs can be used on adults and children, making them a versatile tool for school environments. Many models come with pediatric pads specifically designed for use on children.

How AEDs Work

AEDs are portable electronic devices designed to analyze the heart's rhythm and deliver an electric shock (defibrillation) if necessary to restore a normal heartbeat. They are user-friendly and require minimal training to operate. Many models provide clear voice instructions, guiding the user through the process.

Choosing the Best AED for Your School

When selecting an AED for your school, consider the following factors:

  • Ease of Use: Look for an AED with simple, intuitive controls and clear voice prompts.
  • Reliability: Choose a reputable brand with a proven track record of reliability.
  • Pediatric Pads: Ensure the AED comes with pediatric pads specifically designed for use on children.
  • Maintenance: Consider the ongoing maintenance costs, such as battery replacement and pad expiration.

Some popular AED models include the Philips HeartStart OnSite AED School Package and the ZOLL AED Plus.

Proper placement and accessibility of AEDs throughout the school are crucial. Ideally, they should be in high-traffic areas like hallways, cafeterias, and gyms. Clear signage should indicate their location. Training staff in CPR and AED use is also essential, ensuring that individuals are always on hand who can respond quickly in an emergency.

Bleed Control: Stop the Bleed Kits

The White House launched the STOP THE BLEED campaign in 2015 as a nationwide effort to address a critical public health issue: preventable deaths from uncontrolled bleeding during emergencies. Studies have shown that immediate bleeding control can significantly improve survival rates, especially in cases where professional medical help is delayed.

A well-equipped Stop the Bleed kit is essential for any school. These kits are specifically designed to address life-threatening bleeding. They should be readily available in strategic locations throughout the school building. Here's what a typical kit includes:

  • Tourniquets: These devices are essential for stopping blood flow to a limb in cases of severe bleeding.
  • Hemostatic Dressings: These dressings are impregnated with substances that promote blood clotting, helping to control bleeding quickly.
  • Compression Bandages: These bandages apply pressure to a wound to help control bleeding.
  • Protective Gloves: Disposable gloves protect the user from blood borne pathogens.
  • Chest Seals: These seal open chest wounds, preventing air from entering the chest cavity.
  • Scissors: Necessary for cutting clothing or dressings to access a wound.
  • Marker: Used to note when a tourniquet was applied, which is crucial information for medical professionals.

The Public Access Bleeding Control is an excellent option for schools seeking to equip themselves with Stop the Bleed kits.

Why Stop the Bleed is Essential for Schools

Schools are not immune to emergencies. Accidents can happen during sports activities, science labs, or even everyday play. Additionally, recent events have tragically highlighted the potential for intentional harm within school settings. In these critical situations, every second counts. Equipping schools with Stop the Bleed kits and training can significantly improve outcomes:

  • Stop the Bleed empowers teachers, staff, and even older students to become immediate responders. They can take lifesaving action with proper training before professional medical help arrives.
  • In a crisis, emergency services may be delayed. Stop the Bleed bridges the gap by allowing immediate intervention, potentially preventing life-threatening blood loss.
  • Studies have shown that rapid bleeding control significantly increases the chances of survival in traumatic injuries.

Having Stop the Bleed kits and training in schools fosters a culture of preparedness and resilience. It sends a powerful message that the school community is committed to safety and equipped to handle emergencies.


School nurses are the frontline of student health and safety; having the right supplies is essential to their success. From everyday bumps and bruises to life-threatening emergencies, a well-prepared school nurse can make all the difference in a student's outcome. As we've explored, a well-prepared school nurse with the right supplies and knowledge is essential for fostering a thriving learning environment.

American Hospital Supply: Your Partner in School Health

At American Hospital Supply (AHS), we understand the unique needs of school nurses and administrators. As a leading online retailer of medical equipment and supplies in the USA, we offer a comprehensive range of high-quality products tailored to schools.

Whether you're looking to restock your first aid kit, acquire an AED, or invest in Stop the Bleed kits, AHS is your one-stop shop for school health essentials. We offer competitive pricing, fast shipping, and consulting when choosing the right medical supplies for schools and educational institutions.

Explore our extensive selection of school nurse supplies


This blog is intended solely for educational purposes. Any information related to medical supplies and personal healthcare should be considered general information, not professional medical advice. American Hospital Supply recommends consulting your doctor regarding any medical treatments or therapies referenced. American Hospital Supply does not make representations or warranties regarding the information relating to products or healthcare decisions referenced within this blog.

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